About Valsad Raktdan Kendra

Bringing Science to the Doorstep of Tribal Community

In 1983, looking at the need of safe blood in Valsad district and emerging issue of Sickle Cell Anaemia amongst tribal people of South Gujarat, few like minded young people joined hands in “Bringing Science to the Doorstep of Tribal Community” and initiated an NGO, VALSAD RAKTDAN KENDRA, with the aim of starting a voluntary blood bank and haematological research Centre.

Mile Stones of Valsad Raktdan Kendra

  • 1984

    Blood Collection & Distribution Center with initial financial donation from the family of Late Shri Ranchhodji Nathubhai Desai was inaugurated with the kind co- operation of the trustees of R.N.C. Free Eye Hospoital, at Valsad by Dr. H. M. Bhatia, Director, Institute of Immunohaematology (IIH), Mumbai.
    Side by side, activity on Sickle Cell Anaemia was also started.
    First time blood was collected exclusively from voluntary blood donors and all blood units were screened for HBsAg, VDRL, & Malaria parasites.
  • 1987

    Started HIV/AIDS awareness activity in collaboration with People’s Health Organization (PHO).
  • 1990

    Lions Club Juhu Dr. Surajlal Parekh Haematology Research Center was inaugurated.
  • 1990

    Started indigenous testing of HIV antibodies
  • 1992

    1st Blood Distributing Center in collaboration with Lions Club of Chikhli was started at
    Govt. Community Health Center (CHC), Chikhli.
  • 1996

    The trustees of R.N.C. Free Eye Hospital were kind enough to spare a 60 X 60 feet (3,600 sq. feet) plot for building new blood bank with the entire construction cost to be
    bear by blood bank trust and the construction work was started.
  • 1997

    2nd Blood Distributing Center in collaboration with Indian Red Cross Society, Silvassa,
    was started at Govt. Cottage Hospital, Silvassa.
  • 1998

    3rd Blood Distributing Center in collaboration with Manav Arogya Seva Kendra was started at Killa Pardi.
  • 2001

    A new FDCA License with Component Separation Unit was granted.
  • 2001

    Shirin & Jamshed Guzder Regional Blood Center, in new premises was inaugurated by Shri Kanjibhai Patel, Hon. Minister of Forest & Environment, Govt. of Gujarat, in a function presided over by Shri Mangubhai Patel, Minister of Tribal Welfare, Govt. of Gujarat, on 9th June.
  • 2004

    Recognized as Regional Blood Center for Valsad & Dang districts by Gujarat State Blood Transfusion Council.
  • 2005

    A new Aphaeresis Center from the grant of Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Gujarat was initiated.
  • 2006

    Government of Gujarat nominated VRK as a nodal agency for a Go-NGO project for Implementation of Sickle Cell Anemia Control Program in all PHCs, CHCs, Civil Hospitals and Government Medical Collage in South Gujarat area.
  • 2007

    Government of India nominated VRK as Mother NGO (MNGO)
  • 2009

    Valsad Raktdan Kendra completed 25 years of service to mankind.
  • 2010

    Two new blood storage centers started in State Hospital, Dharampur and Community Health Center (CHC), Bhilad
  • 2011

    Another Blood Storage Center started at Srimad Rajchandra Hospital, Dharampur.
  • 2014

    Automation in Blood Bank:

    • 1.The VITROS® 3600, USA made Automated analyzer based on Chemiluminescence technology for Testing of transfusion transmitted Diseases.
    • 2. QWALYS-3, DIAGAST, French made automated equipment for Blood Grouping and antibody screening of donors.
    • 3. ORTHO VISION® USA made analyzer for Blood Grouping, Antibody Screening and Cross Matching of blood samples of patients.

    All these modern Technologies help in achieving goal towards 100% safe blood and “Zero Error” by minimizing human intervention and improving reproducibility of results.

  • 2016

    Another six new Blood Storage Centers started at CHC-Nana Pondha, CHC- Kaparada, CHC- Waghai, CHC-Dungari, Civil Hospital- Ahwa and CHC-Rumla.
  • 2016

    In collaboration with Hina Patel Foundation (HPF-USA) & Department of H. & F.W. Navsari, a Comprehensive Sickle Cell Clinic (CSCC) at CHC Rumla was initiated. This is an innovative Establishment as a result of Public Private Partnership.
  • 2022

    Valsad Raktdan Kendra becomes National Accredition Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH). First NABH blood center in Valsad District.

Board Of Trustees

Late Shri Kantibhai R. Desai
Late Shri Kantibhai R. Desai
20.10.1983 to 23 .07.2016
Dr. Udaybhai D. Desai
Dr. Udaybhai D. Desai
20.10.1983 to 16.10.2022
Shri Bhadreshbhai B. Gandhi
Shri Bhadreshbhai B. Gandhi
20.10.1983 to 16.10.2022
Dr. Janakbhai R. Desai
Dr. Janakbhai R. Desai
20.10.1983 to 16.10.2022
Dr. .Prernaben U. Desai
Dr. .Prernaben U. Desai
20.10.1983 to 16.10.2022
Shri Ashokbhai M. Desai
Shri Ashokbhai M. Desai
20.10.1983 to till Date
Dr. Yazdi M. Italia
Dr. Yazdi M. Italia
20.10.1983 to till Date
Dr. Vishal Mehta
Dr. Vishal Mehta
16.10.2022 to till Date
Dr Anish Diwanji
Dr Anish Diwanji
16.10.2022 to till Date
Shri Avin Shah
Shri Avin Shah
16.10.2022 to till Date
Dr. Sunil Deshpande
Dr. Sunil Deshpande
16.10.2022 to till Date

Awards and Appreciations

  • 2002

    Award for Excellent Blood Transfusion services by Department of Health & family Welfare, Government of Gujarat.
  • 2005

    Hon. Secretary Dr. Yazdi Italia was honored with an award for excellent social services in the field of blood banking & Sickle Cell Anemia Control Program through Valsad Raktdan Kendra on the occasion of 56th Republic day.
  • 2005

    Hon. Secretary Dr. Yazdi Italia was awarded Mahavir & Mahatma Oneness Award by Jain Sangthana & Times Foundation for excellent social activities through Valsad Raktdan Kendra.
  • 2006

    Mr. Bipin Vora, Director, Blood Donor Motivation Program awarded National A. N. Kashyap Award for excellent Blood Donor Motivation Activity in India by Indian Society of Blood Transfusion & Immunohaematology (ISBTI).
  • 2007

    On World Health day, Government of Gujarat awarded a trophy to Valsad Raktdan Kendra as a Best NGO in the state of Gujarat for the Sickle Cell Anemia Control Program.
  • 2011

    On World Blood Donor Day, GSACS and GSCBT in collaboration with IRCS- Ahmedabad felicitated Dr. Yazdi Italia and Valsad Raktdan Kendra for dedicated outstanding services in the field of transfusion medicine.
  • 2011

    Valsad Raktdan Kendra received recognition as SIROs by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi.
  • 2013

    Valsad Raktdan Kendra awarded ISBTI Institutional Award by Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology (ISBTI).
  • 2016

    Award for best performance in migrant Target Intervention (TI) Project on Single Migrant at Vapi, by Gujarat State AIDS Control Society.
  • 2019

    Dr. Yazdi Italia awarded Lifetime Achievement award at, 44th National Conference of ISBTI, Transcon-2019, at Jalandhar.
  • 2020

    Mrs.Priti Mistry, Asst. Director, VRK awarded H. D. Shoure award at 45th National conference of ISBTI (Virtual Conference) Transcon-2020 held at Chennai and handed over the award at TRANSCON 2022, at Jammu.